Author Archives: Michele Caramel

Diritto digitale
Diritto digitale
Videogiochi ed E-Sport in UE
Secondo i dati UE del 2021, la dimensione del mercato europeo dei videogiochi valeva ben…
International Business
International Business
The Hong Kong Tax system
Introduction Hong Kong is one of the world’s most influential economic and financial centres, rivalling…
Societario e operazioni straordinarie​
Societario e operazioni straordinarie​
How to transfer the company registered office across the EU: the Italian perspective
On July 3rd, 2023, the Italian D.lgs. 19/2023 transposing the Directive (EU) 2019/2121 amending the…
International Business
International Business
BREXIT: How to get full compensation for the costs incurred by your business
The Italian Agenzia per la coesione territoriale has published a public notice for the selection…